Gaugin was one of the fathers of the Expressionism, and all started when he left Paris to go to a little town called Pont-Avon. Here he found all new world, a subjective world with the spirituality and simplicity that he needed. After this finding and now in Tahití, Gauguin resigned to the forms, perspective and he painted with a lot of colours but in a diferent way, he wasn't painted with the reals colors, he chaged the colours to things. For example we can see blue trees in many paintings. So he dosn't like the academicism and the empy realism.
Anyway, all this idea of represent a primitive culture started in the mind of the modern people that refuse all the modern life with the progress and industrial life. They needed find a new form of expression, more pure and simple. And fot that they must live in those pure places.
I have a lot of favorites artists, but I don't know why I think that Gauguin is wonderful. Maybe I like his life and all that he caused: a revolution of the colors, a new kind of seeing the world, and flat shapes in an era when art was pure realism.
Gaugin means a contradiction for me, because he traveled to Tahití and went to the pure place, but I need admit that he was a little psychopath and perverse with the native people. He had a fascination with young ladies. And he infected them of "sífilis" :(
But his art is much better than all the bad history and if you ask me for one of my favorite artits definitely the aesthetics and the proposed Gauguin I think it's wonderful.
To finish leaving you with a beautiful painting for me...magnificent!
Enjoy it!